“Song For Nic”: The Video

First came the blog post, then the song, and now, finally, the video. Yes, we’re very proud to present our first video, “Song For Nic”; an affectionate tribute to an inveterate pain in the arse and thoroughly decent, lovely guy that the world is poorer for having lost.

Whovian, lover of chocolate, CSS guru, and hater of tinsel, Nic was a colleague of ours for many years until he rather clumsily forgot to wake up one morning, prompting a few emotional outbursts over who in the office was going to get his spare monitor.

This, then, is our last goodbye to a friend we thought fondly of; he was a kind, genuine, quietly-spoken, sweet-hearted nuisance whose catherdral-shattering sneezes and gentle way we will continue to miss for quite some time to come …